Solar Panels for Chico Community Better Health


Did you know that installing residential solar panels on your Chico home is more than just a way to help you add value to your home and create long term energy savings? It’s also good for your entire community!


Most people are aware that in addition to the many financial benefits of a home solar system, using green energy is a way to help the environment. However, when they see blanket terms like ‘Eco-friendly’ or ‘good for the environment’ on products they have purchased, they mentally praise themselves for a good choice without giving any thought to what type of good is actually being done. The problem is, the word ‘environment’ is just too obtuse for many to feel any type of direct connection to it.

So, more than just a great way to invest into your home and save money on utility bills, solar panels are Chico-friendly and good for your community. Here’s a look at how installing solar panels on your Chico home can help promote better public health exactly where you live and can have a direct positive impact for you, your family, your friends and everyone in your community.


Solar Panels for Chico Community Better Health

Chico, much like many other areas in California are forced to contend with poor air quality due to contributing factors such as vehicle emissions, industrial activities and wildfires. Further, regular energy sources like coal and natural gas also contribute to poor air quality by the releasing of greenhouse gases and particulate matter.

Poor air quality resulting from greenhouse gas emissions, climate change and air pollution can contribute to a surprising range of health issues:

  • Respiratory problems like exacerbating asthma and worsening COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
  • Cardiovascular diseases including heart disease and hypertension.
  • Neurological effects like cognitive decline and developmental disorders.
  • Allergic reactions to airborne allergens can be increased in both frequency and severity.
  • Skin conditions like premature aging of the skin, acne and eczema can be triggered or made worse.
  • Weakened immune systems that can leave people more susceptible to catching respiratory infections or vector-borne diseases like those carried by mosquitoes or ticks.

Improved air quality from solar panels in Chico communities resulting from the use of clean, renewable energy that produces electricity without emitting harmful pollutants or greenhouse gases can be attained because homeowners reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. This reduced reliance on fossil fuels means a reduction of instances of the variety of health issues mentioned above that are associated with exposure to air pollution.

In addition to, and as a byproduct of decreasing instances of health issues, solar panels in Chico can benefit provide economic benefits to the community as a whole by reducing healthcare costs from treating these illnesses and diseases.


These positive health impacts from improved air quality should heighten the awareness that residential solar panels in Chico don’t just create financial benefits for homeowners, they protect Chico’s community public health and reduce the burden of preventable conditions and diseases.

Contact the best California solar panel installers today to learn more about how solar panels in Chico are both a lucrative investment in the home AND good for the Chico environment!

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